Boost Your Private Practice Revenue By Increasing Your In-Network Insurance Contract

Best PracticesInsurance + Billing

Boost Your Private Practice Revenue By Increasing Your In-Network Insurance Contract

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14m Read
Published: Aug 17 2023

Are you finding it hard to raise your in-network private practice insurance contract? 

I understand that reimbursement rates can affect your income as a therapist. Sometimes, the rate you get even poses a significant challenge. The good news is that there's still potential for growth. Even if you're already in-network, you can negotiate to raise your rate. 

The process of submitting claims to insurance companies is tedious. Then, waiting for payment afterwards can be exhausting. Delays and claim denials happen, too. These all affect your practice's cash flow. If you've experienced these situations like I have, then it might seem like negotiating a higher rate is impossible. 

But here's the thing: it's not impossible at all. I'll share some valuable tips to help you increase your in-network contract. Ultimately, this will boost your practice's revenue.

Remember, like your clients, you deserve to have a life that’s expansive and abundant. You shouldn't have to be held back by for-profit insurance companies. These companies are trying to drive down their costs by reimbursing you as little as they can. 

Increase those contracts and ultimately boost your practice's revenue.

In-Network Contracts: Pros and Cons of Insurance Panels for Therapists

Making the decision to become in-network with insurance companies can be a tough call. As a psychotherapist, I always strived to provide excellent client care. Not only that, but to also ensure my practice remained unaffected in its success. As a fellow mental health care professional, you're likely feeling the same. 

Being part of an in-network plan can bring some advantages to both you and your clients. Let's explore three of these benefits:

Generate Referrals, Increase Intakes with Insurance Panels for Therapists:

By signing an in-network insurance contract, you gain access to potential clients. It's can be quite a large pool of clients, at that. Insurance companies guide clients towards in-network providers. This is part of their managed care approach to control costs. This means you can get more referrals and increase your client intake. This ultimately helps your practice thrive.

Negotiating Therapist Insurance Contracts Is Available:

Being an in-network provider allows you to negotiate rates with the insurance company. You to establish fair fees for your services. This ensures competitiveness within your local market. Also, compared being out-of-network, you can keep a higher percentage of each payment. These negotiable rates also give your clients more financial flexibility. It can make it easier for them to afford and continue their treatment.

Insurance Panels for Therapists Provide Easier Payment and Administration:

One of the perks of being an in-network provider is joining a clearing house. You can set up direct deposits into a bank account. It also simplifies payment and administration process. Insurance companies have established protocols that streamline the claims process. It makes it more straightforward for you to collect payments from clients. This saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus more on providing quality care.

Healthcare providers often rely on these advantages to keep their businesses thriving. However, it's also important to consider the disadvantages of being an in-network provider. 

Let's take a look at some of these challenges:

Increased Patient Flow Not Guaranteed:

There's no doubt that being an in-network provider can attract clients to your practice. However, it's still not guaranteed. The actual volume of clients looking for someone like you depends on a few factors. It could depend on the market and some of the rules and regulations of the insurance company. Think about whether the potential increase in client flow justifies joining an insurance panel. Is the time and effort invested in setting up and managing these contracts, worth it? 

Financial Confusion:

Dealing with contract terms, insurance requirements, and other financial complexities can be confusing. Not only are therapists confused, clients often feel lost as well. Some terms include co-pays, co-insurance, in-network deductibles, and out-of-network reimbursements. Between these, of course we’re all a little baffled.

You can get some help to predict how much you'll be reimbursed by the insurance company. The companies can also take their time with processing claims. Delays in payment can happen, and cause financial challenges for your practice. 

Payer Audits:

As an in-network provider, you’re subject to payer audits. Insurance companies can review your claims. This is to make sure they're in compliance with your contract. While they're used as a quality control measure, it can cause headache for your practice. Any inaccuracies found during an audit can lead to delayed or denied reimbursements. 

Insurance companies can even demand that reimbursements be paid back to them. This is if they think notes are not complete or decide that the treatments aren't necessary. You'll have to stay vigilant about maintaining accurate documentation to avoid potential issues. 

Why Is Negotiating Therapist Insurance Contracts Important?

One of the best parts of having an in-network contract as a therapist is the chance to serve a wide range of clients. Still, it's important to take a close look at your contracts. They should be negotiated to keep your practice financially secure. 

The reimbursement rate you're getting should be specified in the contract. This rate will have to cover your practice's costs. Otherwise, it can be challenging to operate at a profit. A well structured in-network contract will align with the expenses of your practice. Market rates should be reflected. You can also evaluate if the rate matches the market. Also think about if it is adequate for the cost of care you provide. You can use this to determine whether it's time to start negotiations. 

Finding balance between your business' needs and safeguarding your client's interests is possible. Carefully examine and negotiate your in-network contracts. You can create a win-win situation where your practice thrives. Of course, you'll also be providing excellent care to your clients. 

This approach allows you to practice in a way thats ethical and profitable. This contributes to the long-term sustainability of your practice. 

When Should You Negotiate Your Therapist Insurance Contract?

There are a few times in your career when its important to negotiate your in-network contract:

When Starting Your Private Psychotherapy Practice:

When you're starting your private practice, you'll set up your initial contract. The terms of your initial agreement with an insurance provider will play a vital role. Set yourself up for success. You can secure a fair and equitable contract that aligns with your goals. 

During Practice Expansion, Relocation, or Ownership Changes:

A great time to re-evaluate the terms of your contract is when your practice is going through a major change. As you grow and expand your practice, it can also undergo changes in ownership or management. These changes can impact your practice's dynamics. So, it's in your best interest to make sure your contract continues to support your success.

Negotiating Therapist Insurance Contracts During Annual Renewals:

Many insurance companies auto-renew existing contracts on an annual basis. Review the renewal terms in your agreement to make sure you're getting the best deal. 

Staying up-to-date with changing industry standards is also a good idea. This empowers you to negotiate for new terms that benefit you. For example, you could negotiate a higher reimbursement rate for one specific service. 

Keep in mind that negotiating your contracts isn't only about increasing your income. These terms also affect client care. If you're able to get higher reimbursement rates, you can offer more comprehensive services. This ensures your clients have access the high quality of care they need. 

Prepare Before Requesting an Increase in Your Contract

When it comes to renegotiating your contract, there are a few steps to consider. These can help increase your chances of success. You can start by doing your homework and preparing for the negotiation process. You'll be better equipped to achieve your desired outcomes.

Review Your Current In-Network Insurance Contract

Take time to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of your agreement.

Review the terms and conditions of your agreement. Taking the time to do this will help you understand what to expect. You'll know the timing payments and make decisions based on this information. This will also help once you start to negotiate. 

Explore Your Options

Explore all the different payment plans, reimbursement rates, and incentives. By understanding these options, you can create a strategy. You can pursue the best possible deal for your services. 

Additionally, learn about out-of-network insurance benefits. This way you can explain the benefits and coverage options to your clients. 

Collect Accurate Data

Gather relevant information about your practice. You'll want to know the number of claims you process and the volume of services you provide each year. Also, gather any other relevant data. You can use this information to show the insurance company your value as an in-network provider.

Highlight Your Strengths When Negotiating Therapist Insurance Contracts

What sets you apart from other mental health professionals in your area? 

Do you have specialized expertise or experience with a specific patient population? 

Emphasize your strengths! This can influence the success of your negotiation. If you're able to articulate this, you can increase the value of your insurance contract. 

Focus on Total Reimbursement

While it's easy to focus on fees, prioritizing the bottom line is the most important. Ensure that the total reimbursement covers your overhead and expenses. If the contract doesn't meet your practice's needs, then it's important to negotiate. You can work to achieve a fair and reasonable agreement. 

Should You Seek Legal Assistance When Negotiating with Insurance Panels for Therapists?

Consider seeking legal help and advice if you find insurance contracts overwhelming. Navigating the complexities of insurance terms, especially in psychotherapy, can be challenging. A professional can provide guidance. They can help you understand the intricacies of the contract.

Steps To Increase Your In-Network Insurance Contract

If you've decided to negotiate your in-network insurance contract, you can start to take action. Follow these four steps:

Step 1: Write a Letter 

Start by drafting a formal letter to the insurance company. State your request for an increase in your reimbursement rate. Include all necessary supporting documentation. Include a comprehensive list of services you provide with their current rates. You can also add in any extra information about your situation.

You can use a template similar to the one below, as a helpful guide for crafting your letter:


[Insurance Provider Name]


RE: Request To Increase Reimbursement Rate

Dear [Insurance Provider Name],

I am writing to request an increase in the reimbursement rate for my services to [Insurance Provider Name] members.

As a [therapist type] for [#] years, I believe my services are invaluable to my clients and should be commensurately compensated. The current reimbursement rate is [XX], which is below the [state] average of [XX]. Many of my clients rely on [Insurance Provider Name] for their mental health care needs, and I want to ensure I am able to continue providing those services at an appropriate rate.

I understand that you are committed to providing quality care for your members, and I believe increasing the reimbursement rate for my services is necessary to ensure that I can continue to provide those services.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding this request.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Step 2: Be Prepared for a Meaningful Discussion

Written requests are usually the norm for insurance companies. Still, some might opt to have an interview or meeting with you instead. Be ready just in case this happens. It can be a valuable opportunity to have a more in-depth conversation. You can discuss your services and why they deserve a rate increase. You can also talk more about how this can benefit all parties -- you, the insurance company, and clients. 

Step 3: Reach Out to Your Plan's Provider Relations or Contracting Department

When you're ready to negotiate your contract, get in touch with the insurance company. You can contact the insurance plan's provider relations or contracting department. Ask about the best channels to submit your request. They can also let you know what else you need to submit to process your request. 

Step 4: Send Your Thoughtfully Crafted Letter

Once you've gathered your documents, send the letter. You'll send the letter to the address given by the provider relations department. Remember, it can take time for the insurance company to get around to reviewing your request. You can follow up as you see fit though. 

This process requires careful consideration and communication. By doing so, you can increase your chances of a favorable outcome. You can increase your in-network insurance contract and continue to build your practice. 

Insurance Contract Negotiation Tips for Requesting a Reimbursement Rate Raise

How about thinking of this process like you would a job interview? 

You have the qualifications and skills to provide exceptional care. You'll want to show this to the insurance company, so they recognize your value.

Here are some tips to consider:

  • Clearly State Your Fees and Use CPT Codes: When communicating your rates, be sure to specify the fees for each service provided. Use the CPT codes listed in the insurance company's fee schedule. This will help the insurance company understand your rates better. This facilitates smoother processing.
  • Emphasize Your Value: There are other factors that may contribute to your need for an increase. Some common ones are inflation and the cost of living. Even so, the primary focus should be on highlighting your value as a provider. You can mention these factors, but make sure they take a secondary role. You really want to showcase the unique value you bring to patients and the community.
  • Avoid Threatening Resignation: It's generally not advisable to create a "take it or leave it" ultimatum, even if your needs are not met. Instead, approach the discussion with a reasonable and positive mindset. Engaging in a constructive dialogue is more likely to lead to a successful outcome.
  • Consider Trying Again in Six Months: If your initial request is denied, don't be discouraged. You can try again in six months. There's nothing to lose by making another attempt. You can exercise your right to revisit the issue at a later time.

Become Part of The Cooperative to Learn More Insurance Contract Negotiation Tips for Therapists

As a mental health professional, increasing your in-network insurance contract opens up opportunities. You can continue the growth of your practice and increase your income. Don't hesitate to negotiate for what you rightfully deserve. Emphasize how your services contribute to the health and well-being of your community.

Joining Clarity Cooperative gives you access to a supportive community of professionals. You'll gain access to exclusive resources that can assist you in private practice. We can help you with insurance panels, credentialing, and contracts.

When the time is right for you to boost your revenue, we hope that the tips we've provided will set you on the path to success. 

With Clarity,


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