Comparing Therapist Payment Processors: Ivy Pay, Square, and Stripe

BusinessBusiness Planning , Financial Health

Comparing Therapist Payment Processors: Ivy Pay, Square, and Stripe

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Published: Aug 28 2023

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, having a streamlined and secure payment process is crucial for mental health professionals like you. However, with a plethora of options available, selecting the right payment processor can feel like navigating a labyrinth. 

In this blog, we'll shed some light on three popular credit card processing platforms: Ivy Pay, Square, and Stripe. 

Let’s take a closer look as we compare their features, pricing, and benefits, empowering you to make an informed decision that will elevate your therapy practice to success.

Ivy Pay: Credit Card Processing for Therapists

Ivy Pay is a secure and streamlined credit card processing platform designed specifically for therapists and mental health professionals. 

Pros of Ivy Pay for Therapists

HIPAA-Compliant Payment Processing

One of the standout advantages of Ivy Pay is its commitment to HIPAA compliance. Therapists can confidently handle sensitive client information, knowing that the platform adheres to the strict privacy and security standards set by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Tailored for Therapists

Ivy Pay is specifically designed with therapists and mental health professionals in mind. This industry focus means therapists can benefit from features and functionalities tailored to their unique needs, such as customizable intake forms and appointment management tools.

Client Management Tools

Ivy Pay offers therapists convenient client management tools that streamline administrative tasks. From maintaining client profiles to sending invoices seamlessly, therapists can efficiently manage their client information and payment processes within the platform.

Ivy pay offers mobile accessibility, enabling therapists to manage their payment processes on the go.

Subscription-Based Payments

With Ivy Pay, therapists can set up recurring payments for clients opting for ongoing services. This feature eliminates the need for manual invoicing and simplifies the payment process for both therapists and clients, ensuring timely and hassle-free transactions.

HIPAA-Compliant Enhanced Security

Ivy Pay prioritizes the security of payment transactions, integrating with major credit card companies to provide a seamless and trusted payment experience. Therapists and clients can rest assured that their transactions are protected by robust security measures.

Mobile Accessibility

Ivy Pay offers mobile accessibility, enabling therapists to manage their payment processes on the go. Whether through smartphones or tablets, therapists can accept payments and manage client information from anywhere, providing flexibility and convenience.

Transparent Pricing

Ivy Pay operates on a transparent pricing model, charging a flat rate per transaction without additional monthly fees. Therapists can easily understand and predict their payment processing costs, promoting financial clarity.

Cons of Ivy Pay for Therapists

While Ivy Pay offers several advantages for therapists, it's essential to consider some potential drawbacks.

Limited Availability 

As of the date of this post, Ivy Pay is only available to therapists in the United States. Therapists in other countries might not have access to this platform, limiting its global reach.

Lack of Integration with Other Software

While Ivy Pay offers essential client management features, some therapists might prefer a payment processor that seamlessly integrates with their existing practice management or electronic health record (EHR) software. Compatibility issues could be a concern.

Limited Payment Options

Ivy Pay primarily focuses on credit card payments, which might not cover all the payment preferences of therapists and their clients. Some therapists may prefer a payment processor that supports a broader range of payment methods, such as PayPal, Venmo, or mobile wallets.


While Ivy Pay operates on a transparent pricing model, the specific rates might not be as competitive as other payment processors. It's essential for therapists to compare the fees and pricing structures to ensure it aligns with their transaction volume and business needs.

Additional Features

Compared to more established payment processors like Square and Stripe, Ivy Pay may have a more limited range of additional features and integrations. Therapists seeking a comprehensive payment solution with various business tools may find more extensive options elsewhere.

It's crucial for therapists to thoroughly research and assess their specific requirements before choosing a payment processing solution. While Ivy Pay may be an excellent fit for some therapists, others might find a better match with alternative platforms that offer a more extensive range of features and broader availability.


Pros of Square Payment Processing for Therapists:

User-Friendly POS Solutions

Square offers user-friendly point-of-sale (POS) solutions, including card readers and tablets. For therapists with physical office locations, this feature allows them to easily accept credit card payments in person. The intuitive interface and straightforward setup make it convenient for therapists to process payments efficiently.

Online Booking and Scheduling

Square provides therapists with online booking and scheduling features. Clients can book therapy sessions through a personalized online booking page, which can be seamlessly integrated into therapists' websites. This feature streamlines appointment management, reducing scheduling conflicts and enhancing the overall client experience.

Square offers user-friendly point-of-sale solutions, including card readers and tablets.

Invoicing Capabilities

Square's invoicing capabilities enable therapists to send professional invoices to clients. Whether for session fees or other services, therapists can customize invoices with detailed descriptions and set payment due dates. Clients can conveniently pay online, improving payment efficiency and reducing the need for manual follow-ups.

Reporting and Analytics

Square offers comprehensive reporting and analytics features, allowing therapists to gain insights into their financials. Therapists can track sales, transaction volumes, and revenue trends, helping them make data-driven decisions to optimize their therapy practice's financial performance.

Cons of Square Payment Processing for Therapists:

General Business Focus

While Square is a versatile payment processing solution, it caters to a broad range of businesses beyond the mental health industry. As a result, some therapists might find that certain features are not specifically tailored to their unique needs, unlike platforms designed exclusively for therapists.

Transaction Fees

Square charges a transaction fee for each payment processed, and these fees may vary depending on the payment method used (e.g., in-person, online, or manually entered). For therapists with a high volume of transactions, the cumulative fees could impact their overall revenue.

Additional Hardware Costs

While Square's POS solutions are user-friendly and convenient, therapists may need to invest in compatible hardware like card readers or tablets. These additional hardware costs should be considered when evaluating the overall cost-effectiveness of using Square as a payment processor.

Limited Integrations

Square's integrations with other software systems might be more limited compared to platforms like Stripe, which offer extensive developer tools and APIs. Therapists who rely on specific practice management or EHR software may need to ensure compatibility with Square or explore alternative solutions.


Pros of Stripe for Therapists:

Customizable Payment Forms

Stripe allows therapists to create fully customizable payment forms that can be embedded on their websites or apps. This feature enables therapists to provide a seamless and branded payment experience for their clients. Customization options allow therapists to align the payment process with their practice's branding and enhance the overall client experience.

Subscription and Recurring Billing

Stripe's subscription and recurring billing features are highly beneficial for therapists offering ongoing therapy services. Therapists can set up automated and scheduled payments for clients, eliminating the need for manual invoicing and reducing administrative burdens. This streamlined payment process enhances convenience for both therapists and their clients.

Global Payment Support

Stripe's support for transactions in multiple currencies makes it an ideal choice for therapists with international clientele. This feature allows therapists to accept payments from clients around the world without the need for additional payment processors, simplifying cross-border transactions.

Developer-Friendly APIs

For therapists with technical expertise or specific integration needs, Stripe's extensive range of developer tools and APIs offers customization and flexibility. Therapists can integrate Stripe's payment processing seamlessly into their existing software systems, tailor the payment experience, and build unique payment solutions for their practice.

Cons of Stripe for Therapists:

Not Specifically Tailored for Therapists

Stripe is a versatile payment processing platform that caters to various industries, and it might lack certain features explicitly designed for therapists like those offered by platforms such as Ivy Pay.

Transaction Fees

Stripe charges transaction fees for each successful payment processed. While the fees are competitive, therapists with a high volume of transactions may need to carefully assess the cumulative impact on their overall revenue.

Complexity for Non-Technical Users

Stripe's developer-friendly APIs and extensive customization options may be advantageous for tech-savvy therapists, but those with limited technical skills might find the setup and integration process more challenging.

With the right choice, you can streamline your payment processes, enhance client satisfaction, and grow your private practice.

Additional Setup Time

Setting up Stripe and integrating it into existing systems may take some time, especially if therapists require specific customizations. Compared to all-in-one solutions like Ivy Pay, which are designed explicitly for therapists, the setup process with Stripe might be slightly more involved.

Stripe offers powerful payment processing features that can benefit therapists, especially those with specific customization needs or international clientele. However, therapists should carefully consider their technical capabilities, payment volume, and whether the platform aligns with their specific industry requirements when choosing Stripe as their payment processing solution.

Wrapping Up Credit Card Processing for Therapists

Therapists have the power to choose a payment processor that best aligns with their unique practice needs and goals. Each platform, Ivy Pay, Square, and Stripe, brings its own set of strengths and advantages, empowering therapists with the tools they need to manage their payment processes effectively.

Whether you prioritize HIPAA compliance, user-friendly features, or robust customization options, there's a perfect fit waiting for you. With the right choice, you can streamline your payment processes, enhance client satisfaction, and grow your private practice.

By considering the features, pricing, and reputations of Ivy Pay, Square, and Stripe, you can make an informed decision for your therapy practice.

For more resources and tools, join our community at Clarity Cooperative with a free 30 day trial to our Pro subscription today.

Disclaimer: It's important to note that Square, Stripe, and IvyPay all offer additional features and services that may vary based on your specific business needs. For the most up-to-date information, we recommend visiting their official websites or contacting their customer support.


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