Watch Your Practice Grow By Understanding The Reasons Why Clients Choose A Therapist

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Watch Your Practice Grow By Understanding The Reasons Why Clients Choose A Therapist

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Published: Oct 06 2023

Have you ever wondered how clients decide which therapist they want to see? 

Out of all of the options out there, what makes a client choose one person over another?

Choosing a therapist is a significant step in a client’s mental health journey. Whether someone is new to therapy or thinking about switching providers, there are a few factors  that most clients consider when making this important decision.

If you’re looking to attract more clients that resonate with your therapy style, and personality, this post is for you. Understanding what potential clients are looking for when making their decision can help you create a more effective marketing strategy and reach your target audience. 

Let’s take a closer look at some of the factors that clients consider when choosing a therapist and gain a better understanding so that we can understand how to attract our ideal clients and thrive in private practice. 

How Clients Choose a Therapist

Therapist Qualifications and Specializations

One of the first things a potential client looks for when searching for a therapist is their credentials and areas of expertise. Clients recognize the significance of degrees, licenses, specializations and certifications, as they indicate a solid foundation of knowledge and training in the mental health field. 

Clients recognize the significance of degrees, licenses, specializations and certifications

Therapists that are also focused in certain areas such as anxiety, trauma, OCD, or family/relationship issues are viewed as having a deeper understanding of those specific challenges. For instance, consider a client dealing with OCD. They will most likely seek out a therapist with expertise in OCD disorders. Similarly, individuals facing trauma will seek therapists proficient in trauma-focused therapies like EMDR or trauma-informed approaches.

Knowing that you’re well-equipped with evidence-based techniques, tailored interventions, and a comprehensive skill set to effectively manage symptoms specific to their needs may make the client more likely to choose you. 

Clients seek therapists who not only possess the qualifications, but also genuinely comprehend their unique challenges and provide personalized support on their path to well-being. 

As mental health professionals, we have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact in our clients' lives by delivering specialized care that aligns with their distinct needs. 

Therapist Approach and Therapeutic Orientation

As therapists, we're all unique individuals with different training and backgrounds, which means we each have our own special therapeutic methods. You might be a fan of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodynamic therapy, mindfulness-based therapy, or something else entirely. And you can bet that clients have their own preferences too. 

When clients are on the hunt for their perfect therapist, they consider different therapeutic approaches to find the one that clicks with them. Some folks love structure and want therapy to revolve around setting clear goals and taking steps to achieve them. They'll appreciate therapists who equip them with practical strategies and tools to tackle their challenges head-on.

Others are all about exploring the deeper corners of their thoughts and emotions. They're ready to dig deep, gain insights, and understand the roots of their struggles. These clients will look for a therapist that encourages self-reflection and personal growth.

At the end of the day, the decision may come down to how comfortable the client feels about your therapeutic approach. Trusting that the chosen therapeutic style is what will work for their challenges can help them feel at ease with their therapist’s treatment plan. This can also help to build trust and strengthen the therapeutic relationship.

Personal Connection and Trust

Building a solid rapport and fostering a personal connection with a therapist plays a vital role in the therapeutic process. Clients take into account several factors that contribute to this connection:

  1. Therapist’s Demeanor: Some clients want a therapist who radiates warmth, compassion, and uses an empathetic and supportive approach. Others may prefer someone more stoic that provides objective feedback. Either way, a client that believes their concerns will be seen and validated in a safe space can bring them to choose you. Being your authentic self is the best way to attract therapy clients.
  2. Safe and Non-Judgemental Environment: Clients want to feel comfortable and know that they can open up about their thoughts, emotions and vulnerabilities without worrying about criticism.
  3. Trust: When a client feels confident and trusts in their therapist’s expertise, integrity and commitment to their well-being, you can be sure that they’ll choose to work with you. An atmosphere of trust can encourage them to dive deeper into their psyche while feeling safe in their therapy sessions.

When a solid therapeutic bond is formed, it opens the door to the clients sharing their deepest struggles, allowing for a more profound exploration of their challenges and ultimately leading to more effective therapy outcomes.

You might be wondering, “how can a client know if we have a connection before we’ve even met?”

A great time to establish trust and rapport is during a consultation call or meeting. While offering your time without a fee might seem difficult to do, it’s a great way for the therapist and client to both gauge whether this therapeutic relationship will work favorably. 

Clients can also begin to establish trust and a relationship on their own if they come across the therapist on social media. Video marketing in this way may help you reach a wider audience and establish yourself as a trusted and safe therapist without having put in any other efforts. 

Practical Considerations for Clients Choosing a Therapist

Let's take a look at some of the logistical considerations of choosing a therapist. While it may not be the most glamorous topic, it plays a significant role in a client's decision-making process.

1. Location

Clients choosing a therapist look for those that have offices conveniently located in their vicinity or within reasonable commuting distance. Being able to access therapy without a long and potentially stressful journey can make a big difference in ensuring regular attendance and consistency in treatment. Not to mention, the likelihood of clients being on time for appointments. 

2. Office Hours

Clients also have busy lives and responsibilities, so for some, finding a therapist that offers flexible scheduling can be their deciding factor. Some therapists are able to accommodate varying schedules, and might choose to work evening or weekend hours. Stick to a schedule that works for you as a therapist, and the right clients will find you. 

3. Virtual Therapy

With virtual therapy becoming increasingly the norm, having the option of online therapy is becoming an important feature. Clients may appreciate a therapist that offers the flexibility of online sessions so that they can remain in the comfort and convenience of their own homes. Virtual therapists can break through some of the barriers that are present with in-person therapy and become accessible to those with limited mobility or live in remote areas. 

4. Cost of Therapy

Of course, practical considerations also include finances. Some clients may be looking for a therapist that accepts their health insurance, and others that self-pay may need to stick to a budget and need a sliding scale structure. Therapists that openly discuss fees and payment options help clients make informed decisions about their therapy journey. 

Why Clients Choose A Therapist: Reviews, Recommendations, and Referrals

Have you ever had clients find you through positive testimonials and word-of-mouth recommendations? 

When a solid therapeutic bond is formed, it opens the door to the clients sharing their deepest struggles

Reviews, recommendations, and referrals provide reassurance to potential clients that they’re starting their therapeutic journey with a therapist that has already worked wonders in other’s lives. 

When it comes to finding the right therapist, clients often turn to their trusted network for guidance. They may ask their friends, family, and healthcare professionals who’ve experienced the wonders of therapy themselves. When these personal recommendations are coming from a network they already trust, their word can hold more value when making their decision. 

Let's not forget about the power of the internet. Online platforms and directories like PsychToday have become trusted platforms for clients looking for therapists. They create a space where clients can share honest feedback about the therapists they've worked with. Client reviews and ratings give a sneak peek into the therapist's style, approach, and the impact they've had on others.

Though you may receive rave reviews, each client's experience is unique. What works for one person may not work for another and so it's important to let clients consider their own needs, preferences, and goals when interpreting reviews and recommendations.

Cultural Competence and Diversity

Clients often seek out therapists who demonstrate cultural competence as an essential factor in their decision-making process. Cultural competence refers to a therapist's ability to understand and appreciate diverse cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences. 

Clients want to feel seen, understood, and respected in their unique cultural context. A therapist who is culturally responsive can provide a more inclusive and affirming therapeutic environment, allowing clients to freely express their concerns without fear of judgment or misunderstanding. 

This level of cultural sensitivity fosters a deeper level of trust and connection between the client and therapist, enhancing the effectiveness of therapy and promoting better mental health outcomes. Clients recognize the value of working with a therapist who can embrace their individuality and cultural identity, and this plays a significant role in their choice of therapist.

Inclusivity and cultural competence go beyond mere tolerance. It is about embracing diversity and actively valuing the richness it brings to the therapeutic relationship. Clients seek therapists who celebrate their uniqueness and incorporate cultural factors into the treatment process. This approach fosters a stronger therapeutic alliance and allows for more meaningful and effective therapy outcomes.

Empower Your Practice by Learning How To Attract Therapy Clients

We want you to be one of the 80% of psychologists that report being satisfied or very satisfied with their work (Guy, Poelstra, & Stark, 1989). This is achievable by understanding what clients consider before choosing you as a therapist and aiming to attract your ideal clientele and provide effective care. While clients are assessing logistics and therapeutic approaches, they are making an informed decision to better their well-being. 

From qualifications and specializations to therapeutic orientations and personal connections, each aspect plays a crucial role in fostering a positive therapeutic relationship and ultimately promoting better mental well-being for clients. By embracing our unique training and therapeutic styles, while remaining culturally competent and sensitive to our clients' diverse backgrounds, we can create a space where healing and growth flourish. The truer we are to our authentic selves, the better we attract clientele suited to our practices. 

To discover effective strategies for attracting ideal clients who resonate with your therapeutic style, explore our resources at Clarity Cooperative. Take advantage of our Pro Subscription, with a complimentary two-week trial.

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